Do Angels and Demons Exist?

Yes! Angels Exist They are a symbol of man’s connected consciousness… They are the highest vibrational…

Your Unconscious Guidance System

The Unconscious Guidance System Make the present moment your friend. This should always be your primary…

The Secrets To A Happy Life Revealed

What Are The Secrets To A Happy Life When researchers studied the happiest people and scientifically…

A Creation View of our Creative Potential

The Creation and Our Creative Potential (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys…

The Law of Attraction Secret

The law of attraction is the most powerful force in the universe. It is a law…

Focus on Relationships

Fосuѕ on Rеlаtіоnѕhірѕ There is no denying it. Your thoughts control your actions. Your thoughts dictate…

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