George Kavassilas

Our Journey and The Grand Deception. Who are we, What is 2012 Ascension all about? George…

The Lifting of the Veils of the Corrupt

We are living in interesting times which includes the lifting of the veils of the corrupt……

What is Enlightenment

Enlightenment Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one's…

2012 End ?

In 2012… Something will happen. “Every Major Religion… Minor Religions You've Never Heard Of… Non-Religious Spiritualists… And…

The Crop Circles Mystery

Crop Circles Mystery Every year over 200 crop circle designs appear around the world. These patterns…

The Law of Attraction and Vibration

Sympathetic Resonance and The Law of Attraction “Understanding vibration, sympathetic resonance and the law of attraction…

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