The Allies of Humanity Book Free

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It is a great honor for us to be able to present this information to all of you who are fortunate enough to hear this message. We are the Allies of Humanity. This transmission is being made possible by the presence of the Unseen Ones, the spiritual counselors who oversee the development of intelligent life both within your world and throughout the Greater Community of Worlds.

We are not communicating through any mechanical device, but through a spiritual channel that is free from interference. Though we live in the physical, as do you, we are given the privilege to communicate in this way in order to deliver the information that we must share with you.

The Allies of Humanity - Book 1

We represent a small group who is observing the events of your world. We come from the Greater Community.

We do not interfere in human affairs. We have no establishment here. We have been sent for a very specific purpose—to witness the events that are occurring in your world and, given the opportunity to do so, to communicate to you what we see and what we know.

For you live on the surface of your world and cannot see the affairs that surround it. Nor can you see clearly the visitation that is occurring in your world at this time or what it portends for your future. We would like to give testimony to this. We are doing so at the request of the Unseen Ones, for we have been sent for this purpose.

The information that we are about to impart to you may seem very challenging and startling. It is perhaps unexpected by many who will hear this message. We understand this difficulty, for we have had to face this within our own cultures.

As you hear the information, it may be difficult to accept at first, but it is vital for all who would seek to make a contribution in the world.

For many years we have been observing the affairs of your world. We seek no relations with humanity. We are not here on a diplomatic mission. We have been sent by the Unseen Ones to live in the proximity of your world in order to observe the events we are about to describe.

Our names are not important. They would be meaningless to you. And we shall not impart them for our own safety, for we must remain hidden in order that we may serve.

To begin, it is necessary for people everywhere to understand that humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life. Your world is being “visited” by several alien races and by several different organizations of races. This has been actively going on for some time. There have been visitations throughout human history, but nothing of this magnitude.

The advent of nuclear weapons and the destruction of your natural world have brought these forces to your shores. There are many people in the world today, we understand, who are beginning to realize that this is occurring. And we understand as well that there are many interpretations of this visitation—what it could mean and what it could offer. And many of the people who are aware of these things are very hopeful and anticipate a great benefit for humanity.

We understand. It is natural to expect this. It is natural to be hopeful. The visitation in your world now is very extensive, so much so that people in all parts of the world are witnessing it and are experiencing its effects directly. What has brought these “visitors” from the Greater Community, these different organizations of beings, is not to promote the advancement of humanity or the spiritual education of humanity.

What has brought these forces to your shores in such numbers with such intention are the resources of your world. This we understand may be difficult to accept at first because you cannot yet appreciate how beautiful your world is, how much it possesses and what a rare jewel it is in a Greater Community of barren worlds and empty space.

Worlds such as yours are rare indeed. Most places in the Greater Community that are inhabited now have been colonized, and technology has made this possible. But worlds such as yours where life has evolved naturally, without the aid of technology, are far more rare than you might realize.

Others take great notice of this, of course, for the biological resources of your world have been used by several races for millennia. It is considered a storehouse for some. And yet the development of human culture and dangerous weapons and the deterioration of these resources have caused the alien Intervention.

Perhaps you might wonder why diplomatic efforts are not established to contact the leaders of humanity. This is reasonable to ask, but the difficulty here is that there is no one to represent humanity, for your people are divided, and your nations oppose one another. It is also assumed by these visitors that we speak of that you are warlike and aggressive and that you would bring harm and hostility to the universe around you despite your good qualities.

Therefore, in our discourse we want to give you an idea of what is occurring, what it will mean for humanity and how it is related to your spiritual development, your social development and your future in the world and in the Greater Community of Worlds itself.

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