Why Do Women Cope With Stress A Lot Better than Men

Multi-tasking women have known it for years – women cope with stress a lot better than men.…

What is Enlightenment

Enlightenment Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one's…

The World Will NOT End In 2012

Why The World Didnt End In 2012 By Carlos Barrios  Carlos Barrios was born into a…

The Secret Truth About Affirmations

The Secret Truth About Affirmations Revealed Simply put, affirmations are repeating a given sentence or an…

Bashar Videos Free

Bashar Video’s Bashar describes the importance of belief systems. He explains how to change what you…

Videos About

What is Ascension ? ESP and the Akashic Records Dolores Cannon: Are you one of the…

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