Re-Awakening 13 Steps to Love, Freedom, and Power

Steps to Love, Freedom, and Power

Awakening: 13 Steps to Love, Freedom, and Power reveals your unlimited potential and invites you to take a 13 step journey into Self-Realization, Love, Power, and the Freedom to create the life you want.

I would like to introduce you to my good friend Michael Robins, who, at the age of 69 experienced …

a profound re-awakening and transformation.

So life re-awakeningchanging was his experience, he wrote a book about it. Here is a brief excerpt in his own words…

The Introduction tells the story of my profound re-awakening and transformation at 69 years of age and the passion, excitement and creative power that immediately became available to me and is available to you.

Who wouldn’t want greater love, freedom, and power? I can’t imagine that anyone would say they didn’t want more of those qualities, but there has to be an underlying belief or drive that you can have them for you to seek and attain them. And that simply is not in the make-up of a great many people.

Life is simply the way it is, and that’s that is a predominant, underlying outlook. But you are here, reading, and that’s a tribute that there is something in you beyond ordinary humanity’s subconscious resistance to change.

It’s my intention to inspire you to amp up that desire because the stronger it is, the greater will be your ability to access and realize greater love, freedom, and power in whatever way you desire.

From my reading and experience, I have begun to truly glimpse that life’s potential is truly unlimited, and that we can not only continually be more than we are experiencing, but the realization of that potential is the true intention and mandate of life.

And that outlook is the fuel for the discovery of life’s unlimitedness. It is the passion for new possibilities that leads us ever onward, and the key behind that driving passion is self-awareness, the realization of who we are, which is the most essential and valuable knowledge there is.

The 13 steps invites the realization and the anchoring of that awareness in consciousness, and it can be of great value to you, whether you are new to that understanding or already know who you are at the deepest level of your being.

So, even for the people who have found their footing on the journey to the life of increasing value and happiness, this book can be of value because there are diversions that can de-rail us, the journey is never-ending, we all need to hone and maintain our focus on that which uplifts and advances us, and the book is filled with many great, inspirational quotes to help us do this and exercises to keep us on track.

So, the book potentially has value for everyone, although there are certainly those who have gone beyond the wisdom presented here, this book will either open such an amazing door for you or encourage you further along the magnificent adventure.

If you want to the best that life has to offer, if you want your life to become increasingly better and the world to become a better place, a journey into that awareness is waiting for you.

To start your Magnificent Adventure and download the first chapter of his book, visit Michael at his website –

Update – Unfortunately the last time I checked it looks like the site has been hacked and redirects to Chinese site – Sorry

From Michael and myself… Thanks.


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