
Ascension Meaning

What is Ascension ? Ascension Symptoms – Spiritual Crisis and Enlightenment Our planet is moving out…

Bashar Videos Free

Bashar Video’s Bashar describes the importance of belief systems. He explains how to change what you…


WHO IS BASHAR Bashar is a being of extraterrestrial origin. A friend from the future who…

The Georgia Guidestones Mystery Updated

The Georgia Guidestones: ‘America’s Stonehenge’ is demolished after blast on 6th July 2022 An explosion early…

Videos About

What is Ascension ? ESP and the Akashic Records Dolores Cannon: Are you one of the…

The Truth of Embracing The Rainbow to your Creative Potential

Embracing The Rainbow  Free Book Download below… The question of “who?” is the focusing energy of…

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