How To Break Free From Limited Thinking
With Power Thinking
Power thinking is what high achievers do to rise from obscurity to renown. High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly and move into action immediately.
Break Free From Limited Thinking
Follow these principles, eliminate Limited Thinking and you can make your dreams come true This is about possibility thinking. This is the same brand of thinking that originated the motivational truism…“Tough times never last but tough people do.” Ultimately, possibility thinking is spiritual thinking, because as you excel in life you grow as a spiritual person. Power thinking is all these types of thinking, namely possibility thinking, motivational thinking, and spiritual thinking.
Your life is always rich with possibilities. Each moment explodes with potential.
Anything is possible for one who believes and acts with unswerving faith, with an indomitable spirit, and with indefatigable energy. It is believing that you can create anything that you want and that you can break free from limited thinking and the chain of past causes and effects.
It is believing in possibilities, personal growth, and releasing untapped potential. And it is believing that it is wonderful to create a fulfilling life.
The essence of power thinking is learning how to overcome your our own limited thinking.
Your life is always rich with possibilities. Each moment explodes with potential. Anything is possible for one who believes and acts with unswerving faith, with an indomitable spirit, and with indefatigable energy. Your life is like an open book, and you can write in it anything that appeals to you.
While you may have made certain choices before your birth on what you intend to do on this planet, the memory of your spiritual blueprint is still open to the interpretation of your mind and the impulses of your heart. The biggest obstacle you face as you move ahead in your life is that you will be constantly misdirected, both by our own misinterpretations and by the collective incomprehension of how life works for human beings.
Only when through trial and error you begin to shift from the wrong answers to the right ones will things work out for you. But effort is necessary to find the right answers and courage is necessary to find the right way. Your life will open up for you when you open up.
Since most people would rather not question the way things are too strenuously, they stay where they are. However, this is not the way a power thinker rolls. Thus, as a power thinker, your first step is to discover yourself, and this happens when you discern the real meaning of possibility and find within yourself the will and the vision to make the impossible possible.
As you become more of whom you are, your power begins to show up in the world, and as others notice, you are able to heal and uplift those who are open-minded enough to learn what you have discovered about creating positive change. This action of self-discovery and fuller self-expression comes as a natural out-flowing of your exuberance.
This, in turn, creates a magnanimous nature, and you begin to give, to share, to reach out because of your abundance. You give without even anticipating a return wave of receiving. As you focus on the means to create your ideals, the effects of your broader, more expansive, invigorated thinking now begins to take care of itself.
As you immerse yourself in the process of creating your ideals, the final creation will show up spontaneously. How do you get to this place where the things you desire to be, do, and have show up for you?
Mahatma Gandhi shared the secret to power thinking when he said,
“If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it, even if I did not have the ability in the beginning.”
Break Free From Limited Thinking With Power Thinking