2012 End ?

In 2012… Something will happen. “Every Major Religion… Minor Religions You've Never Heard Of… Non-Religious Spiritualists… And…

The Law of Attraction and Vibration

Sympathetic Resonance and The Law of Attraction “Understanding vibration, sympathetic resonance and the law of attraction…

The World Will NOT End In 2012

Why The World Didnt End In 2012 By Carlos Barrios  Carlos Barrios was born into a…

The Universal Mirror For What You Desire

The Universal Mirror Having the courage and patience to put out the vibrations of what you…

Embracing The Rainbow 2

Embracing The Rainbow The bible has a reference to two standing in a field, one is…

Bashar Videos Free

Bashar Video’s Bashar describes the importance of belief systems. He explains how to change what you…

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